Calamity Queen [PAID]
Murphman52 for Alexander
Alexander is a Soldier. He wants to restore the Princess' to the throne and continue on as a devout Knight of Azilus. He was taught to never think about himself, only his Kingdom and protecting it. After Azilus was attacked, he became the Princess' Guard and slowly started to understand that the Kingdom really wasn't the utopia he was brought up to believe it was.
"My duty is to Her Highness and the People of Azilus. You can trust I will protect and honor Her Grace until my last dying breath."
"...You were so close to the Royal Ball on the night of the Attack. A commoner with your attire and demeanor surely wouldn't be allowed anywhere NEAR the Castle. Be careful where you tread..."
"Do you expect me to discard all I've been taught in a matter of days? It's difficult to comprehend..that your entire young life was spent devoted to a Kingdom that was to fall within mere hours?"