Unchanging Love (MLPFiM fanfic adaptation)
Colten richey for Straight Angle
A friend of Fine Roast. He has five lines.
Roast! How are you doin', buddy? ["Hey, Angle, I'm doing as well as I can be. Would you like your usual?"] You know it!
[looking around] Hey, where's the lady friend of yours?
["Oh, I'm afraid she's out for the moment. She had a little family issue to deal with and had to leave last night."] [sympathetically] Ah, that's not great. Sorry about that. Any idea when she might be back?
So, I've got some tips and feedback for you. Overall, you're rushing a bit. Slow down a tad and make sure all your words are clear. For example, have a pause before "You know it!" because that's where Fine Roast's line would be inserted. You said "that lady friend" instead of "the lady friend". Try listening to my audition for an example of the pacing and cadence I thought would work. You don't have to copy my tone; you can use the same voice you used here. Just try to match the timing/tempo of what I did, roughly. As for wanting to do an MLP voice role, this project has lots of types of roles to suit a wide range of skills and aspirations. Sure, there are big roles needing major commitment (with Fine Roast and Sweet Leaf being the biggest), and there are a few female roles, but surprisingly (for an MLP project), there are more male roles than female roles. I encourage you to try out for some of the other minor male roles. Other than me, no one else has auditioned for Wavy Palette, "Creepo", or Dusty Pail. You could give one of those a try. Images for the rest of the characters will be ready over the next few days.
Thanks, the feedback is always appreciated. I'll look into them usually when it comes to bigger projects like this I either usually both just scroll down to the smaller roles and scroll up until I find something I like. I also try to limit how many roles I audition unless the roles are vastly different.