Tokyo Magia [Magical Girl Gacha Club Series]
vanity for Yuki Hoshina
Yuki is a kind-hearted young girl who, unlike most of her classmates, enjoys going to school. Yuki, although she looks shy, is very kind and open to others. She always helps those who need it, with a hand always out to help. She is sometimes hesitant when it comes to decision making, and sometimes cracks under pressure -- however, as the series goes on, she learns how to overcome this and become a quick thinker -- thanks to her magical girl alias!
Yuki has a soft and kind voice, but can get loud when angered. And Yuki is never angry -- and it's scary when she is.
(Confident, yet kind) "The elegant embrace of a twinkling star..~!"
(Uncomfortably) "..A-Ah..! Yumiko.. c-calm down!!!"
(With a soft, kind tone) "..Don't worry, I'll help you!"
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