Code Lyoko Abridged "REMASTERED"
javachipbusiness for Nicolas Poliakoff
Voice Actor
Nicolas Poliakoff
Role assigned to:
Wumbologist PhD
Nicolas is also in the Sissi fan club. He's kind of dumb, and hangs around with Herb.
Try not to do the typical "big dumb guy" voice
[Sissi is upset about her cheer leading routine going wrong]
(supportive) It was the best routine I saw there all day!
(mesmorized and trailing off.) Yeah.... art. Like the Mona Lisa, Starry Night. Leonardo, Donatello, Raphaell, Michealangelo, Bebop, Rocksteady...
[Sissi has just been electrocuted]
(concerned and confused) Are you okay? ...Sissi? ... I think she’s taking a nap.
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