Buongiorno! My name's Jolyne and I attempt to complete various productive work each and every day. Although I mainly voice act, I have the capability to edit videos and create graphic designs.
ExperienceI have more than a year's worth of experience for voice acting. As for video editing & graphic designing, I started both around 2014, so I'd say I'd have about six years of experience. However, even with those years, my skill level isn't even above mediocre.
Vocal RangeMy vocal range is currently an-all-time low. I cannot, for the life of me, do medium to high pitch voices. I'm pretty sure I'll practice that later on, but for now, I'll stick with my low pitched tone.
Reaching OutIf you're planning to reach out to me for work purposes, please note that I have all rights to decline your offer if I'm busy or am not interested.
Contact InformationHere's my contact information and/or social medias:
- Instagram; jolyne.edits
- Twitter; jolyne_edits
- Discord; jolyne#4444
- Email; [redacted]
If you do by chance, spam my direct messages, you will be blocked from contacting me. However, that only applies to the social media you contacted me on.