Gacha Animated Series - Royale Fairy Academy for Youtube
LaurenTracy for Princess Emma
Voice Actor
Princess Emma
Role assigned to:
She'll become friends with Rosa inside RFA
[Comforting] Hey, don't mind them.
They're just being...bratty. (chuckles)
(Gossiping) Did you hear? Adrian is in big trouble.
wow I- WOW
Your soo voice amazing!! And good luck for the role!
Good luck to you too!
This is awesome! I was thinking about auditioning, but after all those awesome auditions never mind xx
You should totally audition! There are a bunch of characters, so give it a shot. Plus it's great experience and it'll help you get better at auditioning!
Thank you! I might give it a shot
You got this!
You’re amazing at this 😍! My audition sucked 😂
Your audition was AMAZING!
That was so good, you should totally get the role!!!
Thank you! Fingers crossed!!!
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