Gacha Animated Series - Royale Fairy Academy for Youtube
Platy for Prince Eric
Friend of Prince Adrian (In between Lead and Supporting role)
Pitch: Like Luka or Adrien from Miraculous (if possible)
May I remind you, Rosabella is not your girlfriend. You can't just hide her away.
Could I speak to you for a minute?
No, I want to hear it from you.
I'm sorry, but you'll always be in my heart.
If you don’t get the part then my whole existence is a joke
Hi! I choose the 2nd voice you used and do you have a discord? ^^ oof I missed your discord up there. if you've seen this, pls reply
Hi I tried to directly message you but I need to use my email and I’m struggling to link it. Even though I didn’t end up getting a voice part is there any other way I can contribute to the Minnie movie. I like to think I’m good at editing :)
I've seen this and I accepted your friend request on Discord!