Nekopara (Series) [PLEASE READ UPDATE!!]
darkstone for Kashou Minaduki

The game's main protagonist of the Nekopara series. Kashou has an interest in baking, especially western style sweets. He opens a bakery called La Soleil. It is implied that Kashou doesn't have the best relationship with his parents because he leaves the household without anyone's consent, though he does have a good relationship with Shigure, his little sister.When he first moves into the bakery, Kashou discovers that 2 of the family catgirls, Chocola and Vanilla, followed him to the bakery by stowing away in boxes. At first, Kashou is against having them live at the bakery, but is eventually persuaded. Kashou views Chocola and Vanilla almost like small children or little sisters.
Normally he doesn't show his face other than on "fun-fair" date on Vol. 1.
[On the opening day of "La Soleil", to Chocola & Vanilla] Well, since we just started, we should be patient--
[reply to his little sister who has disguised herself as "Female Customer"] Uh, Shigure, what are you doing? >.> [Shigure (Dressed and acting like a "Female Customer" asks who is this Shigure person] Say what you like but that's your name.
[He finds out a store business card in the hands of Shigure] Wait, I haven't distributed these yet ...This is your doing, isn't it, Vanilla? [to his little sister Shigure]So earlier, when I couldn't get ahold of you... and Chocola and Vanilla stowing away in the boxes... this was all part of your plan?