Residing in the U.S, Vanity is an Asian-American, semi-professional voice actor and vocalist. It could probably be believed that this girl's entire thriving personality is based on the performing arts alone.
Vanity's voice is capable of expressing a variety of personalities (seeing—in this case hearing—is believing, so feel free to witness for yourself, this extraordinary range, through her auditions and demo reel)!
Vanity always loves a good opportunity to challenge herself, claiming that her favorite characters to play are usually the ones that come in unique and are not the usual stock-written protagonist following the same journey. So, don't fear the "what ifs" of Vanity's limits and capabilities, and reach out with a role for her to take on!
Got an awesome song, but require an awesome voice to sing it? Have no fear, Vanity is here! Even her neighbors know that she's living in a life-long musical! Give this vocalist another reason to keep on singing, and witness what her hidden instrument can do through the samples uploaded on auditions and demo reels.
Every good performer deserves a little break from the whole screaming-in-the-mic-and-wowing-the-crowd gig, right?
Vanity has most of her day filled up with studying, but when she does find the time to decompress, she finds joy in reading manhwas/mangas/manhuas or good ol' fashioned books, watching anime and KDramas, partaking in digital art, or even doing something as simple as playing games such as Genshin Impact, Minecraft, League of Legends, Roblox, and even Jackbox with her friends.