[VIDEO GAME/AUDIOBOOK/ANIMATED SHOW] Dryad's Wrath: The Riftkey Chronicles Book 1
victorseven for Arthas
Arthas is an old gemsetter who lives on the main road of Valuar. Never passes up a chance to push Calen's buttons for his own amusement.
I love doing old man voices, so I'll probably be voicing him myself. But just in case one of you can put me to shame, go for it!
[Calen asks how his wife is] Well, you know. Vegetables and fruits and vines and weeds. All she ever thinks about. [Noticing Raiah] Where’d you get this pretty girl?
[Sly and observant] So, since Evrian isn’t with you, I assume we’re going to get a show today?
[Pause as Calen responds, “Don’t remind me.”]
Ooh, when he strips the hide offa you, make sure he gives it to me!
[Pause as Calen gives him a look. “Arthas, I swear…”]
I want to make a bonnet out of it. I’ve always wanted a Calenskin bonnet.
[Jokingly, making himself sound even older] How do you do? Oh you like my bonnet? I made it! I think there’s still some Calen left if you want me to make you one! It even smells like blood, tears, fear, and violation!