Revelations of the Seal of Orichalcos - Episode 40 - (Yugioh Live Action Series)
ShinyTurtw1g for Duel Monsters Spirit Lusamine

Lusamine is high energy. She gets excited easily and enjoys talking. Her duel monsters form is a card called "Future Force Barrier Witch" a card designed to project powerful walls that protect her allies from harm. The other spirit, Marion, is her sister.
[You've been watching Alyseus fight a tough battle this entire time. You're trying to encourage him to keep fighting]
"You're not dead, not yet! We can still win this!"
".... listen! We don't have much time!.. normally it's hard for us to communicate with the human world... but the wall between dimensions is thin here, thanks to the singularity!"
"The Clones that Valtor created after you are like... dolls... You posses something the other Clones do not.... a true... living soul.... and that makes you... a miracle!"