Fallout: The Frontier Casting Call Round 23
JackBrayton_VO for Knight Algerin
War is hell. Nobody understands that better than you, especially because you’ve been reliving the most traumatic moments of your life since they’ve happened. And with nobody to help ease your pain, nobody that you as a Knight of the Brotherhood can trust… You retreated into the only solace your mind held: Follow orders. Guard your post.
Although he wears a helmet, there's no need for auditionees to add filters onto their auditions.
Record all audition lines while referring to the notes below for each line and do one take of each line.
For the audition line, all you feel is utter disgust. Nothing will convince you otherwise that these mongrels need a guiding hand, whether they like it or not. In the third and fourth sentences, you are using "they" to refer to pre-war weaponry.
Savages you mean. Scavs they call themselves, but they're all savages. They don't know what's in here. They don't know how to use it.
Currently, performance feels more rushed. There could also be more so a projection of disgust and anger.
Do you suggest I try some of these again?
Well I'm always available for providing feedback up until the audition deadline date.
Thank you, I'll try again.