Fallout: The Frontier Casting Call Round 23
mariac for Tarna (Non Sibilant Trochili)
Tarna is a Trochili, vault dwelling lizard people that were originally feared barbarians but now spend their time trading and taking drugs, partying it up, raiding settlements, trading weapons, and mass fornicating. They are usually extremely high and chilled out. Unlike the rest of the Trochili, she took up an interest in chemistry. Having no future for pursuing her interests within her tribe, she left and wandered the wastes until coming across Basha, a chemist who sells all-natural handcrafted cures and poisons passed down from generations. At her new home, she spends all her time researching all aspects of chemistry and assisting Basha. Tarna is highly coherent and dedicated to her craft. She's a bit shy when talking with others, since conversations tend to veer towards her being a lizard person, but will definitely be a lot more chipper when the subject matter is chemistry.
With some Trochili such as the Speaker of the Council, they do not overuse sibilants in between their words unlike most of their kind. In other words, they do not have the extra "s's" within their lines nor annunciate them, a hallmark for other Trochili characters. For a reference, I'd like a voice that's a mix between Kaa from Jungle Book Animated Version (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh5kxentrY0) but without the over annunciated and frequent "s's" and a Female Argonian from Morrowind (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xYEfaqpjsc).
Record all audition lines while referring to the notes below for each line and do one take of each line.
For the audition line, you are talking to yourself, trying to get your brain to remember a formula you just read about a couple of nights ago. The formula you're about to test out needs to be carried out precisely and you cannot afford to make a mistake.
Was it acids into water or water into acids? *sigh* Darn it.
Pacing could be a bit faster. Your projection of annoyance could be more apparent. Also, I need some of the rasp and breathiness shown in the examples linked.
Understood. I have resubmitted with your notes implemented.