Fallout: The Frontier Casting Call Round 23
Pokepepe for Speaker of the Council (Non Sibilant Trochili)

The Speaker belongs to the Trochili, a tribe of vault dwelling lizard people that were originally feared barbarians but now spend their time trading and taking drugs, partying it up, raiding settlements, trading weapons, and mass fornicating. They are usually extremely high and chilled out. The Speaker, in particular, is an insane Trochili. He no longer thinks of himself as a person and believes he is simply delivering messages for the 'council' of bobbleheads that surround him.
With some Trochili such as the Speaker of the Council, they do not overuse sibilants in between their words unlike most of their kind. In other words, they do not have the extra "s's" within their lines nor annunciate them, a hallmark for other Trochili characters. For a reference, I'd like a voice that's a mix between Kaa from Jungle Book Animated Version (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh5kxentrY0) but without the over annunciated and frequent "s's" and an older sounding interpretation of the Male Argonian from Morrowind (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBIGrJGMc0k).
For the audition line, you are telling the epic tale of your adoption of the holy identity of the Speaker. It should sound as if you are delivering a sermon.
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The speaker had a different name long ago, but there was... an explosion, and he forgot who he was.

Preference to Take 1. The other two takes were a bit too grating.

Appologizes for this, My discord contact has changed to AvenPlainstrider2#4218 due to unforeseen consequences.

Hey no worries!