Fallout: The Frontier Casting Call Round 23
Pokepepe for Marz (Non Sibilant Trochili)

An aggressive, violent member of the Trochili, a tribe of vault dwelling lizard people that were originally feared barbarians but now spend their time trading and taking drugs, partying it up, raiding settlements, trading weapons, and mass fornicating. They are usually extremely high and chilled out. Marz fondly remembers the old days before the Trochili were chem addicts; he wishes for the Trochili to one day go back to their traditional ways. He hates humans with a passion. He questions Juno's leadership.
With some Trochili such as Marz, they do not overuse sibilants in between their words unlike most of their kind. In other words, they do not have the extra "s's" within their lines nor annunciate them, a hallmark for other Trochili characters. For a reference, I'd like a voice that's a mix between Kaa from Jungle Book Animated Version (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh5kxentrY0) but without the over annunciated and frequent "s's" and a Male Argonian from Morrowind (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBIGrJGMc0k).
Record all audition lines while referring to the notes below for each line and do one take of each line.
For the audition line, you are both ranting about the disgusting state of your people as well as venting out your disappointment in yourself for not being able to do anything about it. It also doesn't help that you can't rip this human before you to shreds without facing severe consequences.
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The chems poison our minds, weaken our bodies. Now we are little better than a race of slaves, dependent upon chem dealers for our next fix.

I feel his voice could be just a tad bit more breathy. Also, I'd look into your audio quality. Consider applying a basic noise removal filter before exporting and recording with some sound absorbent material around you and the mic (cheap solution could be to put a blanket over yourself and mic when recording.)

Understood, Gonna try to send another audition into the ones I auditioned for with a thicker blanket, and a breathy-er voice