The Voice Actor Compendium Entrance Competition
Devin_DK for Sephiroth

I do not own this character. The Dialogue is for auditioning purposes only. The audio does not go anywhere.
I'm not including direction for this character because there's no need for any. Read the personality.
After learning of the experiments that led to his birth, Sephiroth falls into insanity, becoming murderous, ruthless and vengeful yet retaining his calm and cold demeanor. He develops a messiah complex, proclaiming to be "the chosen one" destined to lead the planet. He becomes sadistic and enjoys mentally torturing Cloud. Sephiroth is devoted to Jenova and her cause, even though her body serves as little more than his avatar. He has become an agent carrying out Jenova's will.
Tell me what you cherish most. Give me the pleasure of taking it away.
The last thoughts of the Geostigma's dead. Those remnants will join the Lifestream and girdle the planet. Choking it... corroding it. What I want, Cloud, is to sail the darkness of the cosmos with this planet as my vessel, just as my mother did long ago. Then one day we'll find a new planet. And on its soil, we'll create a shining future.
Face it Cloud, all you are is an empty puppet.