Dave the Barbarian: The Movie
Noah Harshbarger for Oswidge
Dave, Fang and Candy's uncle. A rather clumsy sorcerer who usually wreaks havoc with his spells rather than being useful. He loves to eat, often being controlled by his stomach. Oswidge presents a rather unkempt appearance. His knowledge of magic and magical items, and most other things, surpasses the rest of the family.
Sorry I’m late. I kept sending myself to the wrong place while I was teleporting myself downstairs. I sent myself to several strange places, Atlantis, the moon, I somehow even sent myself about two thousand years into the future to some strange place called “Las Vegas”. (Shudder) What has been seen cannot be unseen. If you're wondering why I didn't take the stairs, that'd be way too predictable. Does that even matter? Well, maybe not to you non-magic folk.