Comedy Web Series Pilot "The Big Show" [working title]
Devin_DK for Dan
Dan is an amiable, attractive young man who was hired because of something that happened unexpectedly during his audition. Having grown up around his successful father and uncles who emphasized practical, easily marketable skills over personal pursuits, Dan struggles with inner conflict over the need to explore other career options and his interest in self-expression. As Dan gains experience performing and working with the other performers, he learns more about his own desires and interest and about the production side of the entertainment industry as a whole.
(to his friend) You realize somebody wrote this? Like, someone actually had this whole play as an idea in their head. With no one to tell them what to say and when. (introspective) They just saw it like a movie in their head, or like a play on a stage in their imagination. Who does that?
(responding to a note advising him to say the lines of his audition as if he were talking to his father; explosive, passionate) These are not the vagabonds and ruffians you have heard about. These orphans have swept sidewalks and patched roofs and done any and all of a hundred chores all over this town! Of course they may not have the skills of a carpenter or the tools of a plumber or the eyes of the gardener. But they have shown that whatever they may lack in training they have no shortage of enthusiasm-- and the brimming-over desire to serve this community and improve life in this town for all of us. These orphans are the best of our town! Would you throw the best silver in your house away when just a bit of polish would bring out its brilliant shine!?
(overwhelmed, quietly) Uh, what's cross down house left mean?