(Original Project) Cryptic College
JinAndTonic for James Holland
James Holland is 21 years old and basically just a giant teddy bear. He is very sensitive, despite what his stature and looks might make you think, and when he gets hurt, it takes him a while to recover. But those he loves, he loves fiercely. For his voice actor, I'm looking for someone who can pull off a deeper, gruff voice but carry soft and heartfelt emotions.
{After hugging someone too tightly} Oh- I’m sorry! Did that hurt? Are you okay?
{Trying to control his anger after someone hurt his friend} I really- REALLY don’t think you understand how big of a mistake you just made.
{Heartbroken} Are-are you serious? Is this really what's going to make you happy? I'm not questioning your choice, I know you're smart it's just... I really thought it was going to be us together until the very end. I really thought you loved me.