(Original Project) Cryptic College
LukeWheelerVox for Noah Cohen
Noah Cohen is 22 years old and the oldest of the group by only a few months. As such, in most situations he tends to take the lead in a heartfelt and caring manor. For his voice actor, I'm looking for someone who can pull off a soft, more mature voice without losing the playfulness that a 22 year old gamer and memer would possess.
{Comforting someone when they're sad} Hey hey, don't cry okay? Look, everything's gonna be okay, I promise! Hey, c'mon, look at me...
{Annoyed at one of his friends} Dude are you seriously going to try this again? Last time you did this, it made the whole dorm stink for two weeks! That was hell!
{Confessing his feelings} I just- When I look at you it feels like I won a game of competitive! I know that that's a stupid analogy but I don't have anything else to compare it to. My chest swells, my heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest, everything just feels so amazing that I almost can't breathe!