The Walking Dead: Comic Dub
wildbill for Andrew

Age: Late 20s to Early 30s
Andrew is a character and an antagonist first encountered in Issue 13 of Image Comics' The Walking Dead. He is an ex-junkie convict, who survived the outbreak trapped in the prison cafeteria along with Axel, Dexter, and Thomas. He served as an antagonist of Volume 3: Safety Behind Bars.
He was a drug dealer and had been sent to prison at the Meriwether County Correctional Facility. He was also addicted to narcotics, and turned to religion to get clean. He also started a relationship with Dexter, a fellow inmate.
All the character info you might need:
Time Commitment: 2 Months (2 Volumes)
He COULD have a mid-high voice, but don't let this limit your vocal choices at all.
"Dexter's taking a walk, or something. He said he needed to get some air. 'Sides, we don't swing that way no more. Not since we hooked up, y'know."
—Andrew to Axel, clarifying his and Dexter's sexuality.
"Uh--yeah... It's uh... it's like this, see? I was a hardcore user. Hardcore. I was a repeat offender--y'know? I was here for my second time... My life was a wreck--all because a' my addiction. I couldn't function, y'know... I was here--again... I didn't know what else to do. So I turned to God--if you can believe it. I asked him--begged him--to please, help get me off that smack. I wanted to go clean, once and for all... I knew I wouldn't be able to do it without his help. So I asked him--and the next day the news reports started. Now look at me. I'm completely clean. I couldn't--I couldn't get my hands on anything if I tried."
—Andrew about his drug addiction.
"Fuck--man--he's dead! What am I going to do now?!"
—Andrew freaking out after Rick shot Dexter through the head, killing him.

Great job man I hope you get the part!

Thank you!