Wings of Fire FanAudiobook: Escaping Peril (Cover Art by ToonRaiderStudios)
BurntCookieDough for Kidney Breath
An advisor to Queen Scarlet. His real name is unknown, as Kidney Breath is just Ruby’s nickname for him.
Personality: His personality is unknown, but he strongly urges Queen Scarlet not to let Peril live. He also tells Ruby that the secret to a long life is to eat one goat kidney a day, which is where his nickname comes from.
(image by Journeying-Warrior)
(Nervous) "Your Majesty, […] Ahem, [...] Your Majesty, please assure us that this is not what it looks like."
(Still nervous, turns to disgust) "Your Majesty is the wisest of all dragons, [...] Your every thought is genius and all your decisions are perfect in every way. But... are you sure this is safe? Keeping that... that monster alive?"
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