Heroes Come Back - Sonic Fan Comic Dub
Garrett Sandoval for Ixis Naugus

Ixis Naugus is one of the last surviving members of the Order of Ixis, born from the fusion of three other wizards: Agunus, Nusgau, and Suguna. During his time as the Kingdom of Acorn's Royal Wizard, he helped instigate events that led to the Great War, and then fled to the Zone of Silence as a safe haven where he was trapped for many years until he managed to escape after the First Robotnik War. Naugus became an immediate enemy of Sonic the Hedgehog, who eventually trapped him inside the zone again until the Arachne released him once more. After being a prisoner in Dr. Eggman's Egg Grape Chambers, Naugus lost his sanity and blindly served his order's founder, Mammoth Mogul, until his mind was restored by a Chaos Emerald from his apprentice, Geoffrey St. John. Following this, he plotted to retake the throne from the Acorn family and succeeded through manipulating the fears of New Mobotropolis' populace, who crowned him king, only to face further difficulties.
Has a cannon voice. For reference, check here:
Let no joyful voice be heard! Let no one look to the sky with hope! And let this day be cursed for those who witness the return of Ixis Naugus!
Stand aside, quickster! My right to rule does not concern you!
I don’t know who you were, interlopers . . . But you won’t bother me again.

Whoa, dude . . . THAT WAS SICK!!! I literally got chills listening to this! You were wicked! Gonna be hard for anyone to top that!


Way to go Geeky c: