The Lost Souls (Lead Roles Open)
Ethanr1222 for Nathan Rogers
Nathan is a family man. He's been handed the short end of the stick financially, and he's unhealthily dedicated to keeping his wife happy. Overall, he's a pretty chill guy. He isn't overly enthusiastic, and he isn't monotone. But, he does appear to have some underlying emotional problems, which do come to the forefront in this series. He can get loud when he's angry.
This role is a reprising role
Things are good. They’re better than they’ve been in a long time. I’ve got a beautiful wife, a job, a roof over my head. Life is good.
When I was offered this job ten years ago, it was a new start. We were dodging rent payments and we were terrified of someone breaking down our door
Hey. Can I get a box of nine millimeters, four M9 mags, and a bulletproof vest?