KG9450 for Amell
(Can either have a male or female VA) MAKE IT AS CARTOONY OR AS CRASS AS YOU WANT. No Rules, make this YOUR character!
Amell is Marks "conscience". The exact opposite of Mark, They're a loud, outspoken but quite charismatic little thing. Littles known about them but they likes to face dire situations with annoying jabs and the occasional "joke".
Come on, you know you wanna go and see her! Quit the fussing and go get her! You know where she lives!
I never mean to hurt you, kid. I only want you to what you want, deep down. And for some reason, ya cant accept that. Its cuz of that big, stupid, brain of yours. Has so much music in it you forgot to put some courage in there too.
OH OH OH - LETS CRASH THAT PARTY OVER THERE! Remember when we were younger and i tricked ya into going to your first party? Hehe, you thought it was gonna be some JAZZ thing, ya weirdo HAHA! Ahh... good times, eh pal?
This is amazing 🤣 I love it
Thank you I'm glad you like it =D