Rebirth [Webtoon Dub] [In need of Extra Voice Actors]
Samuel Merchant for Extra Characters
Basically characters who appear at only one scene and just get killed off or something similar to that. (Might ask you to VA more important characters that appear later on in the series) Also, leave you discord in your audition description.
*Say any line you can think of with a mad tone*
*Say any line you can think of with a sad tone*
*Say any line you can think of with a regular tone*

I like this! Now that mad tone was actually good, along with the other tones! As I said in Dm's, you'll definitely be cast for at least 1 extra character. I also like "Alright, now for the sad lines" which made me crack up haha, good job overall, keep it up!

Thanks you for the feedback and glad to make you laugh😂

Hey, can you give me your discord? You gave it earlier but forgot to add the #???? numbers that are along with your name. Thanks
