The Walking Dead: Comic Dub
werekitty93 for Carol
Age: 24-25 (age changes during the series)
Carol is a character first encountered in Issue 3 of Image Comics' The Walking Dead. She is the mother of Sophia Grimes and a member of the Atlanta survivors group. She befriends Lori and stays by her side most of the time. A relatively calm and collected individual at first, Carol's friendly and normal attitude served as a facade to hide some of her underlying mental instabilities, which would later reveal themselves and eventually lead to her untimely death.
One major theme throughout Carol's time in the comics is her need for companionship among the daily chaos, due to the fact that she is a weak and dependent person. The people around her kept her balanced and helped the woman maintain the image of a sane individual. However, once she no longer received this support from them, she gradually began to slip and lose the control that she initially had over herself. The boundaries between rationality and irrationality became blurred to her, as she fully believed that she and the Grimes could be a family together. Her mental health begins to deteriorate, which eventually results in her suicide.
All the character info you might need:
Time Commitment: 7 Months (7 Volumes)
Carol COULD be soft spoken, but don't let this limit your vocal choices at all.
"Sophia's father was the breadwinner. I sold some Tupperware out of catalogues from time to time but it was really just to friends and neighbors. I wouldn't have considered it a job. My husband was a car salesman. They used to say he could talk anyone into anything... He talked me into marrying him... Talked me into staying with him after... ... He watched his parents die right after everything started to happen. He couldn't deal with it... He just sort of gave up on life... He... y'know. After he was... gone Sophia and I came here to stay with my sister... We figured it'd be worth the drive to say with someone we know... We never got into the city... thankfully."
- Carol to the group around the campfire when asked what she was doing before the apocalypse started.
"I kinda want to marry you. Not just you, you understand--you and Rick. Just hear me out--it's not as crazy as it sounds. I mean, I've been thinking about what Rick said, y'know--about how things are never going to go back to the way they used to be and how we need to just make a new life for ourselves. This just makes sense to me. I love you both and we could all raise Carl and Sophia and the new baby together. I know it seems weird now but we don't have to follow the old rules, we can make new ones. We could all be happy together."
—Carol trying to convince Lori into a polygamous relationship.
"You're probably not going to like it here, y'know. They're nice enough people, at first they're great... but they're so goddamn judgmental. One slip-up... and that's it for you really. I tried to kill myself. I did. It didn't work, obviously, but I tried. They won't let me forget it. Since then, I can see it in their eyes--they've lost all respect for me. All of them. Even my best friend. She tries to be nice but I can tell she's just patronizing me. She hasn't wanted to talk to me since I did it. She just feels like she has to. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. (...) I don't really have anyone to talk to, so I figured I'd introduce myself. I'm Carol. I think I'll just talk to you from now on. You listen, you don't seem to judge me. That's really important in a friendship, y'know. Not judging people. I really hope you like me. (...) Oh, good... You do like me."
—Carol to a zombie, shortly before and after letting it bite her.
Thanks for auditioning! Just to let you know, there is one more audition line, if you wanted to do that one as well.
I just re-uploaded the audition with the missing part. Thank you for pointing it out!