The Walking Dead: Comic Dub
kurtkoncepts for Dale

Age: 68-69 (age changes during the series)
Dale is a main character first encountered in Issue 3 of Image Comics' The Walking Dead. He is the oldest survivor of the Atlanta group and former husband of his late wife, Erma. Dale later formed a relationship with Andrea, who both adopted Ben and Billy after their father's death.
At the prison, Dale was part of the committee along with Rick, Tyreese, and Hershel. After its destruction, Dale became a de-facto co-leader of the remaining group due to initially blaming Rick's choices for causing the deaths of members of the group and several conflicts.
All the character info you might need:
Time Commitment: 11 Months (11 Volumes)
Dale COULD have a strong voice, but don't let this limit your vocal choices at all.
"I don't want to stir nothing up...and you gotta understand this has nothing to do with your wife. She did nothing but talk about you while you were gone... She worried about you. She felt bad about leaving you. But that Shane... He's a good man... He helps out a lot around here... He took care of your wife.. but he's not glad you're back. He's had his eye on Lori for as long as I've known them. I wouldn't trust him around my wife."
- Dale to Rick Grimes about Shane.
"Who did this?! I want to know right now who killed my son?! Come on, you fucking coward!! Who did this?! Show yourself! Show--! My boy! Who killed my boy?
- Dale's rage turns into grief as he wakes to find Ben shot in the middle of the night
""For what?," He says! Being the "leader" of our little group... Even when we didn't want you to be... It was never about bossing people around. It was never about control. The decisions you had to make, the consequences of those decisions--none of us were prepared to carry that burden. Nobody wanted the responsibility. You didn't want it--but you took it just the same. I have to admit, I thought you were dangerous... I blamed you for a lot of what happened. But sitting here at the end, thinking back... It's easy to blame you for what happened at times--and that's your burden for taking control--for taking care of strangers--trying to protect us. It's not as easy to give you credit for things that didn't happen. A lot of people are dead... But look at how long this group has lasted. I think that's your fault, too. You helped me last this long, gave me the time I had with the boys, with Andrea... And I appreciate that very very much.. So thank you."
—Dale's last words to Rick.

I would give my left arm to be able to voice act like that.

I'm flattered and humbled. Thanks.