Puyo Puyo VS 2 English Voice Pack (8 Roles Needed)
oh-gee for Ocean Prince

Ocean Prince (officially Prince of Ocean) is the... prince of the ocean. Speaking in an old tongue and being as arrogant as, well... a prince, he... well... he's a prince, what do you expect? He also has a human form named Prince Salde Canarl Shellbrick III.
I suggest, since he speaks in Shakespearean English, to make him sound English.
I recommend females to go for this role due to the original voice of this character being provided by a female.
Come, I call for thee. Thou dost know me as the prince. To decieve mine pursuer, I doth took the form of a fish! However! A vile vixen doth assist in my human form restoration.
'Tis but a matter of time before mine butler discovers me. At all costs must I regain that form, to live a free life as a fish!
Hark! Blue-clad child! Thou dost look mighty. Thou shalt become mine servant, with three meals, naps, a walk per day, and snacks as well.

I might cast you, just go a bit more raspy.