Voice acting Contact:
Discord @ Voxridian#4684
Hello! I'm Braeden Gilliss; cartoonist, writer, actor and aspiring internet personality. I am Voxridian on Youtube, where I am make animations and comic dubs. I've previously held a series of fan dubs of Fire Emblem Heroes and Smash Bros. comics.
I was also known as "Gills" on Colorslive.com and was somewhat recognized on Miiverse (R.I.P.) as "Gills" (Nintendrew97); making comics based on Smash Bros, Pokémon and Fire Emblem, among other things.
My best vocal ranges are from male medium-high to certain ranges of deep/low.
My best known voices include:
Kiran "The Summoner" (Fire Emblem Heroes)
Claude von Riegan (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Pit (Kid Icarus/Super Smash Bros.)
Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Doomfist (Overwatch)
Owain Dark/Odin Dark (Fire Emblem Awakening/Fates)
Announcer (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
Rotom (Pokémon series)
Shulk (Xenoblade/Super Smash Bros.)
Arthur Pendragon (Prototype) (Fate/Grand Order)
Merlin (Fate/Grand Order)
Vocal/Acting Inspirations:
Kaiji Tang, Joe Zieja, Matthew Mercer, David Vincent, Anthony Del Rio, Johnny Cruz, Kyle Herbert, Chris Evans, Chris Pine, Monty Python, Jack Black, Tom Hiddleston.
Franchises/series I am familar with. I know a relatively good deal of the characters within, so I may be more natural with:
Fire Emblem
Nintendo (Smash, Mario, Zelda, etc.)
Star Trek and Star Wars
Marvel's Avengers
Sherlock Holmes
Fate/ Grand Order
See below for roles I have been cast for and what I am currently working on!