Puyo Puyo VS 2 English Voice Pack (8 Roles Needed)
CaitlinDiVA for Ocean Prince

Ocean Prince (officially Prince of Ocean) is the... prince of the ocean. Speaking in an old tongue and being as arrogant as, well... a prince, he... well... he's a prince, what do you expect? He also has a human form named Prince Salde Canarl Shellbrick III.
I suggest, since he speaks in Shakespearean English, to make him sound English.
I recommend females to go for this role due to the original voice of this character being provided by a female.
Come, I call for thee. Thou dost know me as the prince. To decieve mine pursuer, I doth took the form of a fish! However! A vile vixen doth assist in my human form restoration.
'Tis but a matter of time before mine butler discovers me. At all costs must I regain that form, to live a free life as a fish!
Hark! Blue-clad child! Thou dost look mighty. Thou shalt become mine servant, with three meals, naps, a walk per day, and snacks as well.