Puyo Puyo VS 2 English Voice Pack (8 Roles Needed)

witchmeru for Raffine

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Raffine is a snobby girl who comes from a wealthy family and is a student of Primp Magic School. Rivaling Amitie, although their rivalry was never established, she is not very good at magic, but makes up for it by using her pouch to convert martial arts into magical attacks.

Her name is pronounced like the French word "Raffiné". Yet those other than Raffine pronounce it "Raffeenah". 

I recommend giving Raffine a British accent and for those auditioning for her to know or read up basic French pronounciation.

  • Oh, la-ti-da. This will be easy. Shall we play then, Ms. Amitie.

  • Amitie! Stop being so noisy! I am trying to get my beauty sleep!

  • An unrefined opinion from an unrefined mind. Sporting modrately every day is the basis of beauty and health.

Puyo Puyo VS 2 English Voice Pack (8 Roles Needed)
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