Good People: A Semi-Serious Study of Life, The Universe, and Heroism
Devin_DK for William Quin (Cat)

Quin has a Cockney Accent developed from living in England for well over a century. A good reference point would be Sniper from TF2. If you dont know who that is, YouTube 'Meet the Sniper' and you'll get the idea.
Other characters to try and emulate:
Captain John Price, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series
Sergeant Wallcroft, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Series
Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Callof Duty: Modern Warfare 2
(Why 3 from Call of Duty games? British, military men, SAS, they sort of also encompass part of his archetype)
Who NOT to emulate:
Overboss Colter, Fallout 4: Nukaworld
(If your attempted reminds you of a goon from a movie, please try again. If we listen to it and it gives us an evil impression, needless to say this part won't be having you but there are plenty of evil sounding British guy parts.)
Pay is based on average word count per chapter. The amount posted is the average.
Quin's ethnically an ancient Greek, a Hero*, and a trained hoplite.
Born the son of Hades and Persephone as a Halfing Hero with no legitimate powers beyond being biologically immortal, durable, and reflexive. An event that still needs fine tuning left him with some blood on his hands that has rendered him a psychosis ridden mess. The situation in question has guidelines as follows; he needed to kill the person he wanted to save, Erica is involved in a 'positive way', psychosis follows. Immediately after this event he became distant and aggressive, unable to get close to anyone and unable to move on from the event as a result. He traveled around for a time (resulting in his British Nationality and eventual vigilantism in America).
He's a hard nut to crack, comparable to the tsundere (ie, impossible to get to know until enough time and effort is made). He's experienced beyond most other characters. Where Flak is confident out of personality, Quin is a one man army out of pure skill. Due to several bad encounters as well as his annoying 'friend' Flak Zoleni, Quin holds a certain distrust of magic.
Quin: Why are you following me?!
Andy: Eep! Uh… I'm Andy… We met earlier- sort of -anyway I-
Quin: You're that bloke who almost died on the sidewalk? How are you walking already?
Quin: You what?!
Andy: You left me to die on the sidewalk with even less than the minimum of what's expected from a good samaritan in that situation. You owe me.
Quin: I most certainly do not!
Quin: Yer not going to ask what he's doin’ with Andy’s blood!? He could be doin’ some evil swamp magic to torture’m!
Flak: It's called Voodoo, not swamp magic.
Quin: Like I care!