Potion Commotion (Original Video Game)
remarano for Task Giver
In Potion Commotion, various characters will request the player to make certain Potions for them, in exchange for a reward. This process will be done through what’s known as the 'Task System'.
While the majority of tasks will come from recurring characters in the game such as Wogglebogg, Hamrietta or Sir Loinsteak, I'd like to have a selection of 'One-off' Characters to give the player a task.
So, this is your chance to be one of the said people!
I'm looking for you to introduce yourself (in character) and to ask the player to make you some Potions, explaining why you need them.
There is no restriction on your character or lines, other than your imagination. You could be a Troll, a Witch, a Fairy, an Alchemist, an Imp, a King or whatever else you can think of. (Just make sure you’re not using a character that I wouldn’t have the rights to, parodies are fine) The reason you need Potions could be anything you like!
In the audition, please introduce yourself (in character) and talk to the player directly about what predicament has led you to need the delivery of Potions.
Bonus Points for Humour, Fun Voice-Acting and creativity.
(If cast for this role, understand this is a one-line only character, though I will be casting at least 3-4 people in this role)
SEE ROLE DESCRIPTION! (In about 2-4 sentences, introduce yourself, tell the player that you need them to make some Potions for you, and why)