Pokemon Special Diamond and Pearl Volume 1 fandub
Will Rice for Professor Rowan

An aged researcher on par with the famed Professor Oak, Elm, and Birch. He seems to have gone through a great deal of conflict back in his day and his attitude reflects it.
He should have a deep and weathered voice, or just plain ol' deep!
It's been a long time since I last returned to Sinnoh. Have they turned this place into a circus?!
(Rowan ought be a bit cranky for the first sentence, while being full on annoyed by the second)
You're surprisingly calm about letting your only daughter do such a dangerous thing.
(Diamond and pearl run into Rowan and Mr. Berlitz)
Where are your manners?! You shouldn't be running around in big crowds! (Rowan would be angry and scornful!)
(The Dynamic Duo run off)
Really! I can't believe young people nowadays... (Annoyed)