My Little Pony: The Unexpected Future
megthelovabledork for Sunset Shimmer
Sunset Shimmer was a pupil in Equestria first until she ‘moved’ to Canterlot High on Pandora (one of Gaia’s dimensional planets). She thought to be dominant, but after learning her lessons of friendship, she had a change of heart with forgiveness, hope, and determination. After her graduation, she decided to move back to Equestria. But, during the aftermath of the incident that caused the death of the two royal sisters, she had discovered that she has the power to raise and lower the sun. And with everypony watching, they witnessed Sunset suddenly transforming into an alicorn. Sunset Shimmer had become a replacement of Celestia by being called, Princess Sunset Shimmer of the Sun, the NEW Celestia.
So, let me get this straight. You came from another world. And if so, I have one single question. *pauses* Did you even came out from a mirror?
It all happened a year ago. We were both unicorns in the beginning, and when we heard about the rumor of Princess Celestia and Luna dead, we were scared of what is going to happen to Equestria without them.
We will be going to the Magical School of Friendship, and I have a special lecture to present the students there. And we have about 15 minutes until the assembly starts.