Star Wars - Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir (Comic Dub)
TheVoices2000 for Clone Troopers

Clone troopers, also known as Republic troops, Republic soldiers or the "Boys in White," were highly trained soldiers in the Grand Army of the Republic. Bred on the extragalactic planet Kamino, clone troopers were engineered by Kaminoanscientists—using the human bounty hunter Jango Fett as a genetic template for the entire clone army—and represented the latest evolution in galactic warfare, having been designed to be superior to battle droids, by the time the Galactic Republic entered its final years. Their formal introduction to the galaxy as the newly formed Republic military coincided with the Separatist Crisis that ultimately spawned the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The ensuing conflict, the Clone Wars, was named for the clones that made their debut on the Separatist world of Geonosis in 22 BBY, marking the first engagement in the first pan-galactic conflict since the founding of the modern Galactic Republic approximately one thousand years prior.
This one needs to sound like Dee Bradly Baker's clone voice from "Star Wars: The Clone Wars".
Sir yes, sir!
I'm Commander Cody, your new boss.
In my book experience outranks everything.