Ghostbusters Advanced
emseesquared for Bertrand "Bat" Hicks
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Obnoxious,charming, irksome, and fun are a few of the words that encapsulate Bat Hicks. Much like how Dr. Venkman was described in the first Ghostbusters film, he seems to look at his chosen field as 'some kindof dodge or hustle'. While he doesn't take his duties as a 'buster too seriously, he will lend a hand when he either feels threatened, or when he knows that he must. He's ultimately a good person, but being suffocated by his massive ego.
Mr. Mayor, sir... I can assure you, my team meant no harm to the city. Uh, sorry about your billboard, by the way.
It's the cost of doing business. Besides, which would you rather have,broken equipment at a construction site, or civilians -- your voters -- being scared to death by ghosts?