RWBY: Saints of Remnant, an Reimagined RWBY-AU Drama
Ethanr1222 for Roman Torchwick/The Horseman

Roman was brought back from the corpse of the Gryphon Grimm that devoured him by the power of Raven's witchcraft, however, Neo did not survive the attack. After a moment of cathartic and mournful rage, Roman joined Raven and her team of individuals to exact revenge upon Cinder and atone for his crimes. Thus he dons the persona of the Headless Horseman and watches over Sun, Blake, and Yang to assist them whenever his leader commands him.
Roman has changed since his life-changing battle with Ruby upon the airship. His ambitions shattered and disillusioned of his anarchist beliefs, Roman now desires to confront his past, make things right with his old friends and lover, and hopefully when this all over, find somewhere to live in peace.
For his horseman persona Roman's helmet changes his voice, so any distortion effect would be greatly appreciated
(in his Horseman persona, voice changed) Prepare yourselves, the bells have tolled, no shelter for the wicked young and old, each of you will pay the final sum! BEG FOR MERCY! THE RECKONING HAS COME! (cackles)
(finally unmasked by Ruby and sighs for fresh air) Finally, I get to stop the stupid riddles, you have no idea how annoying it gets…What's the matter? You all look like you’ve seen a *ghost*(chuckles before breaking down into a smokers cough)
(explaining to Blake and Sun disillusioned) When I boasted how I loved being a scoundrel well, because I felt the world stabbed me in the back when I was a kid, so I figured if they didn't give a shit about me why should I? So I decided to pit myself against the world, Neo, Cerise, my goons they all were about that too. The world clearly didn't want to change for the better why should we? And if they call you a scoundrel what does it matter? The world is wrong...but when what you do claims the lives of those you love...and it was because you were too cowardly to say no...I realized and came to despise the man I had become and I thought the best way to leave that man behind, for Cerise's sake, perhaps the best and easiest way, was to take up Raven's offer and try to help you kids. Look, I'm not expecting you all to forgive me. But I know what I've done, and now in many ways I regret it. Just let me help you in this...whatever this is...and I promise you I will never bother anyone again. I just want to be with my Cerise and nothing else.