Potion Commotion (Original Video Game)
BrianVaughnVA for Male Goblin(s)
Voice Actor
Male Goblin(s)
These semi-intelligent beings are pesky little chappies! While not proficient with their speech, they are crafty when it comes to penny-pinching. They love to sneak into your garden and steal your hard-earned coins! Luckily they’re scared of Guard’em Gnomes and cursors, so there are ways to keep them at bay.
[Due to the Goblins having a Randomised Appearance, I will probably cast more than one person for this role]
Ooooh shiny, me likey!
(Scared) ARGH! RUN AWAY!
(Your best Goblin Laugh)
Do note this is a .mp3 file not .wav, so the quality will be a bit lower. This is due to the 8MB upload restriction on the website. I can however provide .wav files if needed with no problem.
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