Original Fantasy Anime Paid Voices Needed
sheepsinfinity for Arren♂
A 17 year-old elven boy who has run away from home, in a Kingdom where elves are forbidden. He’s cheerful, energetic and kind but also immature and naïve. Looking for a voice that is feminine but still boyish (female VAs encouraged), slightly whine-y when annoyed and soft but energetic. A subtle British accent would probably suit best but any common accent would also probably be fine.
(this line is meant to be whine-y, childish and immature) *Annoyed sigh* It’s so unfair! I didn’t plan on just being cooped up inside again. *A dramatic huff and pause* *then grumpily and quietly* what do you think?...
*Emotional upset and angry* I’m NOT going back there! No matter what, you CANT make me go back!!! *quieter, upset* Please, just, go,, *angry* everything was okay before you showed up.
*cheerful, excited* Really? Can I actually go??? I may-have-peeked-at-the-flyer-from your-bag *awkward guilty laugh*,, but! I never imagined I’d actually get to see it!