Potion Commotion (Original Video Game)
DuckyStorm for Wogglebogg
Wogglebogg is the focal character in Potion Commotion and the resident Wizard of Eldershire. With his Potion Business struggling to make a profit, Wogglebogg decides to start growing his own ingredients. So he appoints the player as his personal Gardener to help him do this. Being born into a long line of Wizards and Witches means magic is in his blood. He became the youngest student ever to enrol at the Wizards R Us academy when he was aged 3, but unfortunately got expelled at the age of 4 for accidentally making the academy disappear. He later enrolled at the Eldershire Wizarding School where he achieved his Wizardry degree, specialising in Potion Making.
Wogglebogg's personality is that of a slightly crazy, often confused but always well-intentioned Wizard. But don't let his eccentricities fool you, he's still one of the most skilled Wizards in all the land!
You there! Yes, you, the weird-looking thing behind the screen. Perhaps you could help! My name is Wogglebogg the Wizard, and this creature beside me, is my talking pet Pig, Hamrietta.
Please help out a poor old Wizard and his curly-tailed friend! The situation is so bad, we haven't even eaten for 3 whole days! Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
Congratulations you little Whippersnapper! You’ve reached Level 5! That’s 4 more levels than I ever expected of you. Let’s celebrate this milestone with the creation of more potions.
Choose goose xD
You got me XD