Hetalia World Twinkle Fandub

raremana for China

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Sound like the dub!

  • Western nations are so immature. I doubt they ever grow up. Maybe I can try appealing to the only organ of theirs' that seems to work. Would you guys like to sample some Chinese tasty treats?

  • Why do I have to be turned into noppera because of stupid Japan and scary story...

  • What? I don't think that's right!

Hetalia World Twinkle Fandub
finn demo
finn demo

Hello! I was going to cast you for this role, but I know you auditioned a while ago so please tell me if you're still willing to do this! Thanks! [I'm copy and pasting these because I'm too lazy to rewrite everything, sorry >.<]


That's alright and apologies for late reply. Yes I'm still willing to do this, however if you found another voice actor to cast as China, that's ok.

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