Potion Commotion (Original Video Game)
swishnflick for Blobbii

The Blobbii is a beloved species, native to Eldershire. They are bouncy, squidgy and curious, and are the most common Pet in Eldershire, but most Blobbiis are wild, roaming around the land both happily and aimlessly. Their vocabulary is limited to the word Blob, said in various tones to convey emotion. For example: Blob, blob, blob.
The most interesting thing about the critter is that they are a source of Elixir which is generated within them whenever they are happy. And you can release this Elixir for yourself if you give them a squeeze. They really enjoy being squeezed, so everyone's a winner!
[Due to the Blobbiis looking quite similar and having a Randomised colour, I will probably cast more than one person for this role]
(Carefree Blob noises)
(Exited Blob noises)
(Angry Blob noises)

Oops I think the audio peaked a bit! I'll sort that next time!