Potion Commotion (Original Video Game)

Infrastation for Hamrietta

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: clmero

Wogglebogg’s trusty companion. They became friends when they met at a Square Dancing class. Despite their constant bickering and virtually incompatible personalities, they tolerate one another.

Hamrietta is quite lazy, with a bit of a superiority complex. She can often be found complaining about the many woes in her life, such as there being a limit to her food supply, or how there are people in the world who aren't her.

On the surface, she may seem like an obnoxious, grumpy Pig, but deep down, really deep down, she's an obnoxious, grumpy pig.

  • Boggzy, we've been over this, I'm NOT your pet! I’m a strong, independent Pig who don’t need no owner! Now, when is my dinner being served?

  • HEY! Hands off the Bacon buster! Don’t make me come over there and Pork Chop you in half. 

  • I do too have other interests! I enjoy eating, sleeping and avoiding social interaction. I also like to judge those who I deem inferior to me.

Potion Commotion (Original Video Game)
Lou W
Lou W

You sound like the Arby's guy

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