Team Buddy Returns (Pokemon Youtube Video) (All roles up!)
Michael kempf for Team Buddy Admin #1
Team Buddy Admin #1 is a total stereotypical 1950s father. He's got a dandy sweatervest, he loves to smile and laugh, and he's great at committing evil deeds under the guise of being friendly! Throughout the story you bump into him frequently and he serves as both a helpful character and an antagonist.
For his voice, I'm looking for something like the other members of Team Buddy: Overly happy, stereotypical '1950s vibe'. He's got a pep in his step, he physically can't frown, and he's just so gosh, darn happy to make new friends on this beautiful sunny day!
(Acting like a 'Concerned Parent')
Now kiddos, I want to make sure you two understand how careful you two need to be; the last thing I would want to see is you two getting hurt because you thought you could take on some unswell brute.
(Very Friendly and nice)
What did my lovely wife see in me? Well, people do say I have an illuminating personality and just glowing with pride for my loved ones~!
My what a splendid display of talent! You’d be a match for the Masked Royal, no doubt about that!
Dude, that was REALLY good, hope you get the part!
thank you so much!
ah! really great work! :)