Transformers More Than Meets The Eye Audio Drama (IDW) - Tons of Roles
tyranitron for Jhiaxus

A scientist who’s responsible for creating the gestalt Monstructor as well as forming the Jhiaxian Academy of Advanced Technology in which he trained the Senator. He ventures off with Nova, Galvatron, and Cyclonus into the Benzuli Expanse and ends up getting trapped in the Dead Universe along with them. He’s also responsible for performing experiments on Arcee and aids Shockwave in his plans to take over the universe.
Voice Type: Medium-high, high
Superstitious nonsense, my lord. The era of myth and legend is long over. Ours is an era of science. There is a rational explanation for this phenomenon.
This universe shall bend to your every command, Shockwave. But take care to keep your bearings—you may find yourself unstuck in time… psychologically speaking.
Not bad, given the circumstances… but my reactive armor can match anything you throw at me.