Humor Me | Comic Dub
Hawke's Howl for Charlie

She's in her senior year in highschool on a scholarship. She kinda looks like a boy and everyone seems to think she's a he. For some reason she doesn't deny it and tries to avoid interacting with her schoolmates. She tries to work part time afterschool and seems to take care of her brother instead of her parents.
Charlie should sound androgynous with a constantly RASPY, slightly deep voice which has a deadpan tone for the most part.
[Annoyed, shoves finger in Penny’s face] "In about 30 seconds i'll be on the other side of the street, running straight to school or i'll be late. Please wrap it up-"
[waves, tired/annoyed] "Sorry, and a good day to you too." [stressed/ hopeful, very fast internal thoughts] "Please not on the 3rd floor, please not on the third floor…" [Annoyed] "Of course."
Various sounds such as "Ah!" "ow!" and blowing a raspberry.

Wow, this is near exactly how I imagined her voice in the comic!- I really loved this audition, I hope that you don’t get tossed aside because of the background noise. Really love your voice.

Thank you. This is my first time using this, so I didn't know how it worked yet. I recorded this with very short notice before heading to work and had my fan on (background noise). So, please forgive me for that.