Will Work for Caps
Cari Scholtens for Weld

A member of the "Power Pack": a small gang of roaming raiders who managed to successfully ambush a Brotherhood of Steel patrol up north and steal their armor.
Weld is probably smarter than the other members of their gang. They're also a confident and competent tactical thinker. Not looking for a particular voice, just a good performance.
Role has 22 lines. Role closes 6/1/2019
“I think I saw somethin’ in that tower over there. Use your rifle- look inside that third story window.”(Has an idea)
“Boss I bet that bot is just tryin’ to protect the settlers- if you, Plate, and Bolt can herd them toward the back wall you’ll be in a better position to use them as a shield!”(Screaming battlecry and a loud grunt as they jump onto Scrapheap and start punching it)