

Project Overview

Starfall is the story of Sean Higgins, a transit delivery pilot who is accidentally cast into a post apocalyptic space fantasy world of adventure, and Noname Stryde, the rogue ship captain whom he bumps into. Together they travel the galaxy trying to find a way to get Sean home whilst various forces conspire against them.

The project itself will be a voiced motion comic with animated transitions to add emphasis to the motion and action present on screen. I will inspect the opportunity to have the entire series played out based on reception of the pilot which you are auditioning for.

The series itself will be predominantly in a motion comic/animatic format, with still slides enhanced with voiced dialogue, full sound mixing and animated transitions between frames to emphasise the motion.

Example frames:

Voice acting wise, I'm looking for enthusiastic volunteers who can nail the tone of the character and really portray them in a manner befitting the character. As such the feel of the line is more important than the exact wording.

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  • Auditions Judged

    Well... it took a while, and you all didn't make it easy for me, but i finally have gone through all 331 auditions, and chosen the shortlisted candidates for the main roles, and those who were successful in taking the minor roles. You will have received a PM from me directly if you were one of the successful candidates and if you didn't, my sincerest condolences. I truly didn't expect to receive such a breadth of talent in such quantity and competition was fierce. There were a lot of close calls, but at the end of the day someone had to get the role.

    Thank you again to everyone who auditioned, it was really amazing to see this many people offer their talents, and here's hoping i can make something that will live up to expectation.

    Until then.

  • Auditions closed.

    Auditions are now closed. Thank you everyone for your support and involvement.

    with 300 auditions it'll probably take me around a week or so between other tasks to pick out the voice actors, so expect to hear back from me sometime around that timeframe.

    Huge thanks once again to everyone, and with any luck i'll have the results done as soon as i can.

  • Auditions closing.

    Well it's been an exciting 2 weeks, and i'd like to say that the response to this project has been absolutely mindblowing. I'd like to thanl everyone who auditioned and seriously regret that i have to only pick one person for each role. This is going to be difficult.

    As of now i'm allowing a grace period for those in different time zones, the page should be closed to auditions 24 hours following this post.

    Thanks again to everyone following this project, i can't wait to get started.

    And thanks to the folks who work with CastingCallclub for getting the word out and helping Starfall to reach the most voices possible.

  • Change in deadline

    So, when i set off to create this project i didn't expect such a swift and high quality influx of auditions, i'd like to thank Casting Call for their help in that regards, and everyone who leant their voices to to project.

    In the wake of such response i've concluded that the 3 weeks i previously allowed might have been a tad excessive, as such the new deadline is 10th of November 1 week from now.

    thank you again to everyone who's auditioned, i'm going to have a very hard time picking just one person per role.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Child Sean
cast offsite

-Probably non recurring-

Sean Higgins but as a child, what more can i say. It's him before the years of sarcasm and dry wit sunk in.

He has literally the one line, and it's the one stated here.

  • "Can i be a space hero?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Brett, the guy from Research
cast offsite

-Non recurring-

As the name suggests, Brett is that guy who works for the Research department. Brett is roughly in his 30's and speaks in a bored, monotonous tone, the kind of voice only someone doing a mind numbing job that he hates for 10 years can acheive.

  •  "My name's Brett, and my worst enemy is whoever told me that working in research would be exciting,"

  • "I love my job, that's why i speak with such breathless enthusiasm"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jenna from Research
cast offsite

-Non recurring-

Jenna is the current head of the hypergate research project. She speaks with a calm, but commanding voice, and is notably good at giving concise instructions to her subordinates.

  • (Nervous) "Hello3YX-245, uuh, we're having some minor technical issues here and wethink you might possibly be caught in the event horizon of thehypergate space-timeripple."

  • "Allpower levels seem normal, emergency systems in place, are we ready tostart the test?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sean's teacher
cast offsite

-non reccuring-

Sean's history teacher from his flashback sequence. Basically every kind, softly spoken history teacher archetype.

PS: As has been pointed out, i need to be more specific with pronunciation of weird fantasy names, thank you.

Aenslough is pronounced -Aye-ns-lao- (This pronunciation eludes even me). Aye as in what pirates say, and lao as in the name. or Eye-ns-lao i guess.

Exact pronunciation isn't important in the audition phase.

  • "Hello class, welcome to history 101, i'll be your teacher for today"

  • "The Aenslough enclave is the last remaining pocket of human civilisation in an empty, though once thriving galaxy."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bandit leader
cast offsite

-possibly recurring-

The Bandit leader is your typical bad guy, speaking with a low, gruff and sleazy sort of tone.

  • "Hello, My name's frank, and i'll be your bad guy for this episode"

  • (Angry) "Sounds like someone needs to teach you some manners."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sean's Boss
cast offsite

-Non recurring-

Sean's boss is an old, gruff business minded man. 

  • "I'm Sean's boss, my actual name isn't important, do this thing."

  • "Hey Sean, gonna need you to run a shipment over to the folks at the research department."

  • "Because i said so, don't ask questions, just do it."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

-possibly recurring-

Lucy is one of Sean's co-workers, and probably one of his closer friends. She has a sharp, exceptionally cheerful voice, and is typically concerned about the wellbeing of Sean and her other co-workers.

  • "Hi, i'm Lucy, Sean's co-worker and close friend, and i don't get nearly enough screentime in this series."

  • "Hey Sean, what are you still doing here? I thought you knocked off 5 minutes ago."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The ship's computer
cast offsite


The ship's computer, doesn't say much, what it does is usually either monotonous or in a faux, almost patronizing politeness.

  • "Emergency override required, please state administrative passcode."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Noname Stryde
cast offsite


Noname Stryde is the captain of the Starfall, an enthusiastic and oftentimes overconfident young woman. She speaks generally in a calm, confident tone, but is also capable of enthusiastic bouts of expression, particularly when joking, angry or threatening, all three of which she does in this episode.

PS. It's pronounced "Non-Am-ee"

  • "Hi, my name's Noname Stryde, i like long walks by the beach and not getting murdered by ravenous space gremlins."

  • "I’m looking for a long silver cylindrical thing, about yay big with wires coming out of either end?"

  • (Threatening) "I tried being nice, i tried being threatening, hell i even tried being funny; now, i'm going to try angry."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zack from Research
cast offsite

-Non Recurring-

Zack is your typical young astrophysicist, he speaks quickly, but clearly and is exceptionally good at vocalising information he receives via the computer. 

  • (Alarmed) "Power hasn't been lost, it's rerouted to the primary gate systems...the system has programmed a set of co-ordinates."

  • "Everything looks good at my end, adjust frequency and prepare forphase shift."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Automated defence system
cast offsite

-Non recurring-

The Automated AI that controls the Aenslough system's defensive sattelite arrays. Should be concise and authoratative, but lacking any other form of human emotion

  • "This is a restricted area, please depart immedieately"

  • "If your death has been needlessly painful, please forward a complaint to the Archives department following the beep."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sean Higgins
cast offsite


Sean Higgins is an everyman, assigned to work with the Transit department. His voice is usually masked with a thick layer of unenthusiastic sarcasm, but he's still human and emotes as such when exposed to stressful situations. Though he may be quick to alarm when things are out of the ordinary, deep down he responds positively to exciting events, and is quick to get into the swing of new scenarios.

EDIT: I am utterly hopeless with calling out things that need proper pronunciations. Sean is pronounced "Shawn" As it is a alternative spelling to that name.

  • "My name is Sean Higgins, i'm 25, and working in transit is my favourite thing ever and doesn't provoke intense periods of depression"

  • "Sure thing boss, i'll deliver that right away, could i get you anything else while i'm out?"

  • (Aggravated) "My problem? I don't have any problems besides my ship blowing up, my life being a lie, and the horde of bandits trying to hack me into fun size chunks."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Archives guy
cast offsite

-Non recurring-

Another flashback sequence character. The archives guy is a monotonous, constantly bored to the edge of depression voiced person who has long since resigned himself to the fate of working his dead end job for the rest of his days.

  • "You've been assigned to the transit department, where you'll work for roughly your average life expectancy minus however old you are now."

  • "The Archives department apologises for any emotional distress the reality of life may yield."


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